When to prune trees and shrubs??
Mild fall weather has had us all thinking about pruning trees but we may want to wait a little bit
before we do or until the weather cools off a bit.
In early fall pruning wounds close off more slowly and trees are more at risk for fungal diseases
than at other times of the year. Pruning in late summer and early fall may also stimulate new
growth which has little time to harden off before cold weather comes. The cold can come harm
tender foliage and then the tree may need more pruning in spring to remove damage.
Waiting for the leaves to be totally off the tree in November is one of the best times to prune.
After the leaf drop you can see the trees structure and identify disease and insect problems
more easily. Pruning wounds will also close off much faster due to cooler weather. November
is also a good time to do any root pruning which will help stimulate new root growth for next