Our Summer is just about over with. With the cooler temperatures we have had the last week or so it is an ideal time to start your lawn repair or overseeding for the fall.
How do you know if you need to seed?
If your lawn is a little thin or you have a few patches that are baseball size or smaller an application of fertilizer and irrigation will help the lawn rejuvenate and help grass spread into bare areas. If bare areas are larger and more numerous then overseeding will be needed to restore the lawn. One thing you want to remember is that if the bare areas are covered in weeds such as crabgrass, you need to kill or remove the weeds as it will be difficult for new grass seedlings to compete with weeds.
How do I Seed?
You need good seed to soil contact to be successful. Do not broadcast the seed onto an area and leave it. All you will be doing is feeding the birds. The best way to overseed is with a slit seeder. Slit seeders create a slice in the soil that the seed will fall into and will ensure excellent seed to soil contact. It’s always best to slit seed in two directions to improve results. Most lawn care companies offer this service and it is well worth the cost for the results you will get.
If slit seeding is not in the budget you can always hand rake small areas, spread the seed and rake it in and then top dress with a good screened topsoil.
What kind of seed should you be using?
The most common frustration over the years from folks coming into the garden center is what to use for seed as after seeding sometimes the color is different when the seed comes up. To avoid this problem try to figure out the species of grass that was used when your lawn was originally established. If you are not sure what it is, most likely it’s a blend of Kentucky bluegrass and fescues as that’s what most lawns in the Saginaw Valley contain in some form. If your lawn is on the dry side all of the time consider using a taller fescue blend as that will withstand drier conditions.
Maintaining newly seeded areas?
Apply a good starter fertilizer such as Scotts Turf Builder Starter Fertilizer or Greenview Starter Fertilizer for new lawns. We have both available and both can be applied at a rate of 3lbs per 1,000 sq. ft. and will produce great results!