July Plant Care
We are at the middle of July and this month is a key month when it comes to maintaining what we may have planted earlier in the year. Watering of plants is very important during July as it is usually a warmer month and new plants will stress easily. Plants are developing roots to help them get thru the fall and winter months so moisture is key right now.
It’s been extremely dry the last month. Newly planted trees and shrubs need at least 1” of water per week. Larger trees need to be deep watered at least 2 times per week right now. The most effective way to water is with a soaker hose or by hand. A layer of mulch is also effective around plants to help keep moisture in. It’s getting into late summer and some of our annual flowers are getting weary. With the dry
conditions we have had some annuals are still growing but simply don’t look their best. Now is the time to go out and deadhead and trim back annuals to help revive them for their final run into the fall season. Also a little fertilizer never hurts this time of year. Consider topdressing annual flowers with a balanced slow release fertilizer such as Osmocote to stimulate new growth. Replenish your mulch in your flower beds as that will also help cool roots and keep plants moist this time of year.